Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 15

Today was a good day. A solid good day. Well...I didn't get a work out in again but on the other hand, I did get to go to Whole Foods today and picked up a few fun new foods to try! I really had been wanting to try almond milk (vanilla flavor) and Quorn products. While I was there I picked up some organic meat and chicken. On our way in, I picked up this free in store magazine and it was filled with coupons! It had coupons for some chicken sausage, almond milk, herbal tea (totally needed some!), Quorn and a ton of other things. D and I walked around and checked out the goods and they always have tons to sample and you know I love free food!:) Good time with the hubbs!

Anyway, by the time I got home M had already fed the monkeys (what a great bro!) so I just had an Amy's burrito (yum!) for dinner. Tonight I was in need of comfort food so I had a homemade yogurt parfait too...double yum!


Amy's Burrito w/ 1/2 avacado

Quinoa and bulgar salad + roasted eggplant....DELICIOUS!!

Amy's Black Bean Burrito + leftover quinoa and bulgar + sesame cucumbers

Greek Yogurt + frozen berries + almond granola

Delicious day! I loved everything I ate today! What's funny is I had no meat! Who'd have thought an Island girl could go with out meat?! Craziness! Hoping the extra fiber will lessen the bloating :}

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go out to lunch with the girls....Wish me luck! See you at breakfast!

PS, the reason we were out and child less in the first place was we got our PASSPORTS!!!!!! MMMMMMM>>>>I can feel the sand in my toes already! Pinacoladaville....I'm on my way!!!!:) I wonder if you can get them sweetened with agave nectar?:)

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