Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's day 25! I'd feel great except we got hit by a tummy bug around here! First little D and now me, it's just a matter of time before the rest of the troop gets it:(. Other than that, I feel great! I realized yesterday something fantastic! Since going off sugar almost 1 month ago, I have had a total of 2 maybe 3 migraines! They weren't even real doozies either!

Just some background, I have had migraines since around age 15. They've gotten worse as I've gotten older and for the last 7 yrs I've had one 5-6 times a week! That's just about everyday! I'm not talking "headaches", I mean pounding, shut the lights, can't open your eyes, have your hubby pound on your head to relieve pressure kind. To get rid of them I'd take 4-5 excedrine of some sort. Recently I've been using the tension kind and usually even that wouldn't do it. I'd end up laying down, trying to fall asleep and many times crying myself to sleep because of the pain. It was terrible...and I have had 5 babies all natural!!!!

I don't know for sure if it's the sugar but to go from everyday to 2 maybe 3 in a month! That's incredible!!! It has to have something to do with it! Why haven't I done this before? Amazing. That's how it feels. I feel empowered. I've been living with them for so long I just felt like this was my life. Now I feel like I do have control over my body and this isn't "just the way it is"!!!! Exciting! Don't you love it when that happens?!

Now if I could just get rid of this tummy bug:( See ya in 24.

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